Let’s do the time warp again.

October 6, 2007

So my six year old comes home from school and we do the daily ritual of: “how was your day, what you do in school today, etc”.  Normally these are pretty mundane conversations.  You know the life of a second grader is not that exciting.

Today was a bit different, she told me they had a drill.  I figured a fire drill always fun to get out of class for 30 minutes.  No…New York state has instuted a new type of drill.  It is called a lock down drill or as I like to refer to it a new play on the old duck and cover drill. 

 I’m not sure if some of you are familiar with the duck and cover drills but in essense they were the solution thought up in the 1950s as to what children should do in case of a neuclear attack.  Hide under their desks and put their hands on their heads.  I think it was a good position since you are close enough to your ass to kiss it good bye.  Any ways, if you ask your parents (or grand parents for you youngins) you will find out it shaped their world view for life.  Knowing that your governments solution to world anihilation was to kiss your ass good bye does not leave you with much confidence.

Fast forward to today.  The concept of these lock down drills is should there be a gang of terrorists or crazed children in the school.  The kids will have a drill to help them deal with it.  Granted I think americans as a whole have no concept of what makes these “terrorist tick” and I’ll cite an example as to why.  My grandmother before she passed away a few years back was talking about how she was so glad the San Diego (PD/Naval Station) had been so quick to protect the Coronado bridge.  I’m sure a sentiment felt by many San Diegoans.  Except it misses the point that “terrorists” are not going to blow up a strategic target, they have no intention of invading and wanting to cripple a milatary target.  They want head lines.

 Any ways back to this concept of lock down drills.  Talk about a band aide (if you can call it that) and a perpetuation of state propaganda that is happening.

I’d give some one the finger as soon as I figure out who exactly deserves it.

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